Archive | September 2017

9-11 Reflections

Photo Credit: Pentagon-3days-zifj14.jpg      We remember 9-11 in American History.  There was lots of terrorism on that day.  There were 4 planes that were hijacked,  1 plane hit Twin Tower 1, and another plane hit Twin Tower 2. The other plane hit the west side of the Pentagon, which is shown in the picture. We think the last plane was heading for the White House, or the Congress building. Over 3,000 people lost their lives, either going in to save people, or coming out, either way, there was a lot of terrorism. Even though I wasn’t born when this happened, I still can’t imagine how bad it was. I’m pretty sure the plane that hit the Pentagon, hit the Navy Command Center, I think. The reason the hijackers hijacked these specific planes is, the planes had lots of fuel, so when they hit their target, it would explode with alot of force. It was a very important and sad day. They were just regular people, and the hijackers hijacked the planes for no reason, the only reason that they hijacked the plane, was because they knew it would leave a big impact, and it did. But America fights back, and they don’t just give up.

This entry was posted on September 26, 2017. 4 Comments

Life In 5th Grade

Life in 5th grade for me is great, because I have cool teachers. I have 2 math teachers, 1 reading teacher, 1 science teacher, and 1 history teacher. I have 4 girl teachers, and 1 boy teacher. My favorite teacher is the boy teacher, which is the science teacher. I  like my math and science teachers the most, because my favorite subject in school is math and science. My science teacher is hilarious and cool, he acts like a big kid, which makes him hilarious and cool. Their names are Mr. McBride, Mrs. Ummel, Mrs. McFall,  Mrs. Brantley, and Mrs. Owens. Mrs. Owens is the reading teacher, Mrs. McFall is the history teacher, Mrs. Ummel and Mrs. Brantley are the math teachers, and Mr. McBride is the science teacher. My class does talk alot, but in some ways, that’s a good thing, or it could be bad in some ways. I like going to recess because we get our energy out and have fun at the same time, which I think is a good thing. I like playing games at recess like wall ball, kickball, basketball, and tag. I love 5th grade because we have music class, P.E., Healthy Bodies, and Computer Lab. I will miss 5th grade.